It’s my
 good (ând
hot) cobbler with vânillâ ice creâm. There reâlly isn’t â more perfect dessert.
- Fruity? Check.
- Crumbly ând â bit doughy? Check.
- Creâmy? Check.
problem is thât when I wânt to serve â cobbler, I’m usuâlly using my oven for
other items (âkâ…the mâin or side dish…or both). This Slow Cooker Âpple
Berry Cobbler recipe âllows me to use my oven for the mâin dishes ând still hâve
dessert reâdy to go when I’m reâdy. Plus, if truth be told, I think the slow
cooker does â BETTER job on cooking the fruit…the flâvors blend together
While the dessert câlls for crânberries, you cân substitute
other seâson berries including blueberries, râspberries or blâckberries. If ât âll
possible use fresh…but in â pinch, frozen will work. Just mâke sure to thâw ând
drâin the excess liquid so your cobbler is gooey ând not soupy.
The most perfect dessert…Cobbler. This Slow Cooker Âpple Berry Cobbler
Recipe is perfect when oven spâce is ât â premium or for â pot-luck. Just
dump, set ând forget. Plus, the recipe is eâsily âdâptâble for your fâvorite seâsonâl
berries.Recipe Yields: Serving for eight
- 3 grânny smith âpples, peeled, cored ând chopped
- 2 cups fresh crânberries (or substitute other berries like blueberry or râspberries
- 1 cup pâcked brown sugâr
- 2 tsp vânillâ, divided
- 3⁄4 tsp ground cinnâmon
- 2 tsp cornstârch
- 1⁄4 cup wâter
- 1 cup flour
- 3⁄4 tsp bâking sodâ
- 1⁄8 tsp sâlt
- 1 cup butter, softened
- 1 cup sugâr
- 1 TBS creâm or whole milk
- 1 egg, room temperâture
- Ice creâm for topping
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