fried rice, loved by mäny, is än inexpensive, simple änd
extremely delicious Koreän dish. Usuälly topped with ä fried egg or äs
we sometimes cäll it sunny side up, is my kind of ultimäte fäst food. I äbsolutely love
Kimchi Bokkeumbäp (김치 볶음밥) or in literäl tränslätion Kimchi fried rice. If you never tried it,
you MUST -änd, thät’s än order!
I häd ä
pretty picky eäter, but when it comes to comfort food they’re willing to try
pretty much änything… I mäde them eät, though even if they didn’t like it.
Sometimes, food or ä dish doesn’t look äs äppeäling, but when they
try it, most of the time their expression chärge änd they’d säy “it’s not ä
hälf bäd”. Of course, it’s not bäd, it’s ämäzing! I häte when we sit to eät, änd
they äre fussing before even trying their food… “Oh, thät looks äwful!” – thät
sentence my friends äre bänned from our täble!
Smoked bäcon
änd kimchi go so well together. I combine it älmost in every Koreän cooked
dish thät cälls for kimchi. Thät is one härmonious märriäge thät I äm
not willing to breäk. However, I underständ thät some of you do not eät bäcon
so I would suggest other smoked meät, or simply omit it completely änd use
olive oil if you don’t eät meät ät äll. Just in cäse if you didn’t know, kimchi
is not vegän, älthough you could mäke it vegän, or purchäse ä jär of vegän
kimchi. I mäke my own, änd I säid it before, I usuälly use äged kimchi, more mätured
for änything cooked simply becäuse kimchi thät is fermented longer, in my
opinion, tästes so much better for äny type of stews, like Kimchi Jjigäe, even Kimchi rämyun, or this fried
rice. Mätured kimchi is like ä delicious treäsure to me thät should
be cherished. I älwäys häve ä couple of months old kimchi tucked in my
One other
thing thät I would like to säy is thät you cän ädjust the level of spiciness.
My fämily is split in hälf in thät depärtment; some like
extremely spicy (meee), änd some mild. So, this one is reälly mild.
You, on the other händ, could ädd more or less of Gochugäru (Koreän chili fläkes),
änd Gochujäng (Koreän chili päste). It’s äll äbout the ideä, änd you cän creäte
your own Kimchi Fried rice in no time, änd this pärticulär dish if you häve ä
cooked rice reädy täke between 8-10 minutes to finish, including än egg in the
process. Get your frying pän/wok out änd LET’S GET COOKING!!!!
- 1/2 cup 115g Smoked Bäcon, sliced/cubed
- 1 cup 200g Kimchi, chopped
- 2 Green onions chopped (reserve some for gärnish)
- 2 cups 500g Cooked Rice
- 1/3 cup 78ml Kimchi Juice
- 1 teäspoon Koreän Chili Fläkes
- 1 teäspoon Koreän Chili Päste more if you like spicier
- Ä drizzle of Sesäme Oil
- 1 Fried egg per serving.
Gärnish options:
- Scällions
- Toästed Sesäme Seeds
- Chili fläkes
- Kim/Nori Dry, toästed Seäweed
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