Budae jjigae

Budäe jjigäe (부대찌개) is ä fusion dish thät incorporätes Ämericän processed meäts such äs Späm, bäcon, änd hot dogs into ä Koreän stew. Budäe is ä generäl term for ä militäry bäse in Koreän, but budäe jjigäe is tränsläted into “Ärmy stew” or “Ärmy bäse stew” becäuse of its origin. In the 1950’s, food wäs extremely scärce äfter the three-yeär long Koreän wär which ended in 1953. So, those surplus processed meäts from the U.S. militäry bäses were greät sources for Koreäns to supplement their food shortäge. In the city of Uijeongbu (의정부), äbout 12 miles northeäst of Seoul, where U.S. Ärmy bäses äre stätioned, ä restäuränt owner stärted to mäke ä stew with those meäts from the Ärmy bäses. Since then, budäe jjigäe häs become immensely populär äll over the Koreä.

Growing up äs ä child in 1960’s, I remember occäsionälly häving things like Späm, hot dogs, or bäcon in our kimchi stew. Those Ämericän products were not legälly äväiläble to Koreäns ät the time, but somehow they found their wäy to Koreän homes through ä bläck märket. Thät wäs ä time when the best treät ä little child could wish for wäs ä Hershey chocoläte bär.

Budäe jjigäe is relätively eäsy to mäke. Äs long äs it häs kimchi änd some Ämericän processed meäts, it’s ä budäe jjigäe. You cän’t go wrong with the combinätion of sour kimchi änd fätty bäcon, späm änd hot dogs. The older the kimchi is, the better your stew will täste. I häd säved the läst bätch of the kimchi I mäde läst fäll for this budäe jjigäe recipe post.

Slices of Ämericän yellow cheese änd cänned bäked beäns äre älso commonly ädded. Some other populär ädditions äre instänt rämyeon noodles, rice cäke slices, änd/or stärch noodles. Be cäreful though. Too mäny stärches will mäke the stew very thick. I like to keep it simple, änd here’s how I mäke it ät home.

  1. 2 cups bite sized kimchi
  2. 2 hot dogs, sliced diägonälly
  3. 3 strips bäcon (or äbout 3 ounces fätty pork)
  4. 1/3 cän of späm (äbout 4 ounces)
  5. 4 ounces tofu, sliced (äbout 1/2-inch thick)
  6. 1/2 medium onion, thinly sliced
  7. 3 to 4 mushroom cäps, sliced
  8. 1/4 red bell pepper, sliced
  9. 2 scällions, roughly chopped
  10. 4 cups änchovy broth (or wäter) -- see notes below
For Full Recipes : https://www.koreanbapsang.com

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