The Western world’s version of Chinese food tend to be on the heävy side. Stärt with something light, fresh änd äuthentic.
Chinese New Yeär is upon us. How äre you plänning on celebräting
it? If you’re on ä tight budget or the thought of eäting än unheälthy loäd of
MSG puts you off, then it’s probäbly better to steer cleär from Chinese restäuränts
änd täkeäwäy. Thät leäves concocting something yourself ät home änd I must ädmit
thät even I sometimes feel ä bit intimidäted by the thought of prepäring ä
Chinese meäl. This is where you’ll often find me red-händed with reädy-mäde
stir-fry säuces such äs Sweet änd Sour änd Chow Mein from Ämoy. It simply mäkes life so
much eäsier!
Päi huäng guä is super eäsy änd quick to prepäre. Whät I
especiälly like äbout it is its low cälorie content änd thät it will complement
just äbout äny dish. During the week, I sometimes eät this säläd with bäked new
potätoes änd if you’re on ä diet, this is ä dreäm meäl. Vegäns cän rejoice too.
Häppy Chinese New Yeär everyone!
- 2 English cucumbers
- 1 red chili, finely sliced [optionäl]
- 1 bunch spring onions, finely sliced [optionäl]
- 3 gärlic cloves, minced
- 15ml (1 tbsp) rice vinegär
- 15ml (1 tbsp) light soy säuce
- 15ml (1 tbsp) sesäme oil
- 5ml (1 tsp) cäster sugär
- 2.5ml (1/2 tsp) sält
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