Boozy Strawbèrry Watèrmèlon Slushiès

This is a sponsorèd post writtèn by mè on bèhalf of Sparkling Icè. All opinions arè 100% minè. Thanks to all thè companiès, and rèadèrs, who hèlp support Cravings of a Lunatic.
I’m hèrè with anothèr fun rècipè for my partnèrs this summèr, Sparkling Icè. Wè’vè tèamèd up to bring you fun, bold rècipès for thè summèr sèason.
My plan for this post was to sharè our trip to Toronto with you. I wantèd to includè you in our road trip by sharing photos with you. Lèt’s just say “bèst laid plans”. Lifè just nèvèr works out thè way you plan.

Wè drovè up to thè city to hèlp our son and his girlfriènd movè into thèir nèw placè. Wè havèn’t sèèn thèm sincè Christmas so wè wèrè so èxcitèd to sèè thèir facès Having our son movè closèr to homè again was just thè bèst fèèling in thè world.
Spènding timè with thè kids was absolutèly amazing. Wè had so much fun and got somè quality timè togèthèr, which èvèrything whèn your kids gèt oldèr. You rèalizè how important thosè momènts arè.
Wèll, I had a bit of an incidènt. Or bèttèr yèt, an accidènt. You can rèad morè about it anothèr post, but long story short I got hurt. If you arè nèw to my blog you should know I’m sèriously accidènt pronè.

I took a nasty spill in a parking lot and camè away with somè bonè bruisès and a couplè of brokèn toès. My wrist and both of my fèèt took a sèrious blow. So instèad of having advènturès I’m laid up rèsting my body.
Sounds fun, right? It’s not. Luckily I havè Nètflix and Boozy Strawbèrry Watèrmèlon Slushiès. So thanks to my pals ovèr at Sparkling Icè, I’m all sèt for a fèw days/wèèks of rèst to lèt my body hèal.
Thèy sènt mè ènough Sparkling Icè that I’m all sèt for my timè off. I havè mountains of thèir Strawbèrry Watèrmèlon, as wèll as tons of thèir Chèrry Limèadè, Pink Grapèfruit, Black Raspbèrry, and Black Chèrry.

I can sip to my hèarts contènt whilè I watch Nètflix, and maybè rènt somè moviès. I’ll bè all hèalèd up in timè for my nèxt post. I’ll bè bringing you along with us to Point Pèlèè. It’s our favouritè park in thè world.
In thè mèantimè lèt’s all sip somè Boozy Strawbèrry Watèrmèlon Slushiès. If you’rè not into boozy slushiès just lèavè thè vodka out of thè rècipè whèn you makè it. If you likè thèm morè boozy thèn add morè vodka. Èasy as piè!
Okay, now I want piè with my slushiè. Anyonè want to bakè mè a piè?

  • 4 cups icè
  • 3 cups dicèd frozèn watèrmèlon
  • 3 cups frozèn strawbèrriès
  • 1 bottlè Sparkling Icè Strawbèrry Watèrmèlon Naturally Flavorèd Sparkling Watèr
  • Vodka to tastè
  • Optional for garnish:
  • strawbèrriès
  • watèrmèlon

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