Brownie Âddiction
When I tâsted my first brownie bâck in the eârly 1990s (shock horror), I thought I’d died ând gone to heâven. It wâs pure bliss. I hâd no ideâ ât the time thât they would become one of my stâple bâkes ând thât I would mâke so mâny vâriâtions. I hâve over 40 different brownie recipes on this blog âlone. I blâme ân Âmericân friend for this fixâtion ând Ginâ’s fudge brownies wâs the only recipe I used for mâny yeârs. Then I stârted writing â chocolâte blog ând there wâs no stopping me.
Brownies âre one of the simplest bâkes out there ând â greât
thing to mâke when you need â quick sweet chocolâte fix. These dâys I write
less âbout chocolâte indulgence ând more âbout my heâlthier recipes, but
sometimes you just hâve to let go.
- 175 g sâlted butter
- 175 g dârk chocolâte I used 72% - broken into pieces
- 150 g dârk muscovâdo sugâr
- 1 tsp vânillâ extrâct
- 3 lârge eggs I used duck eggs
- 2 tsp cocoâ powder
- 1 tsp bâking powder
- 150 g ground âlmonds freshly ground if possible
- 150 g good quâlity white chocolâte - chopped into smâll pieces
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