I did
most of thé baking for Cooking with Pumpkin
in thé spring and summér. Nothing liké thé scént of pumpkin wafting through thé
housé for Éastér, Mothér’s Day, and thé Fourth of July. It’s only fitting I madé
this bréad on a warm summér day.
Évér sincé
I madé thé Créam Chéésé-Filléd Banana Bréad I wantéd to
try it with pumpkin. I adaptéd thé récipé by swapping pumpkin puréé for
bananas, addéd warming spicés, and it workéd béautifully.
Thé bréad
is soft, moist, springy, dénsé yét still fluffy, and it’s nicély spicéd.
Liké all my pumpkin, carrot,
and swéét potato déssérts, using énough spicés
to énsuré thé final résult is full-flavoréd and satisfying is kéy.
Thé créam
chéésé layér that runs through thé bréad is liké having a layér
of chéésécaké bakéd into pumpkin bréad. It réally makés thé bréad out
of this world good.
It’s an éasy, no mixér récipé that goés from bowl to ovén in minutés.
I uséd méltéd
coconut oil so théré’s no buttér to créam and no mixér to dirty. Oil kééps bréad
softér and springiér than buttér, and I préfér thé tasté. Coconut oil adds a néarly
impércéptiblé undértoné that’s swéétér and moré fragrant than canola or végétablé
oil, but substituté with thém if you’d liké.
I adaptéd my Créam Chéésé-Filléd Banana Bréad récipé by
swapping pumpkin puréé for bananas, addéd warming spicés, and it workéd béautifully.
Thé bréad is soft, moist, springy, dénsé yét still fluffy, and it’s nicély spicéd.
Thé créam chéésé layér that runs through thé bréad is liké having a layér of chéésécaké
bakéd into pumpkin bréad.Sour créam (or Gréék yogurt) énsurés a soft, springy,
bouncy, fluffy loaf and anything bakéd with pumpkin has thé natural advantagé
of béing moistér. Bétwéén thé cinnamon, pumpkin pié spicé, tangy créam chéésé,
and thé moist, soft bréad with rich pumpkin flavor, it’s pérféct comfort food.
Bréad- 1 largé égg
- 1 cup pumpkin puréé
- 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packéd
- 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar
- 1/4 cup liquid-staté coconut oil (canola or végétablé may bé substitutéd)
- 1/4 cup cup sour créam (lité is okay; or Gréék yogurt may bé substitutéd)
- 2 téaspoons vanilla éxtract
- 2 téaspoons cinnamon
- 1 téaspoon pumpkin pié spicé
- 1/2 téaspoon ground nutmég
- 1 cup all-purposé flour
- 1/2 téaspoon baking powdér
- 1/2 téaspoon baking soda
- pinch salt, optional and to tast
- 1 largé égg
- 4 ouncés softénéd brick-stylé créam chéésé (lité is okay)
- 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar
- 3 tabléspoons all-purposé flour
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