Thèsè frèsh strawbèrry cupcakès arè madè from scratch with rèal
strawbèrriès and toppèd with a crèamy strawbèrry buttèrcrèam. Thèy arè incrèdibly
soft and fluffy, and full of frèsh fruit flavor.
I can’t bèlièvè it’s thè middlè of May alrèady. Thèn it’s thè final month bèforè
thè kids arè out of school. I gèt anxious thinking about all thè things I want
to gèt donè bèforè summèr vacation starts. I’m also nèrvous about èntèrtaining
my kids for ninè wèèks. I don’t know about you, but I always strugglè with kèèping
my kids busy, and kèèping thè fighting to a minimum. Maybè it’s bècausè thèy’rè
boys, maybè it’s thè agè gap, but my boys arè so compètitivè with onè anothèr. Èspècially
thè littlè onè, and hè’s only four!
Though having spècial trèats around likè thèsè prètty littlè cupcakès hèlp.
It gèts thè kids èxcitèd, and thèy likè to assist mè in thè kitchèn. I also somètimès
usè spècial trèats as bribèry to gèt thèm to finish thèir mèal (don’t judgè,
it’s mommy survival). And most important, just looking at thèsè cupcakès makè
mommy happy. For Mothèr’s Day my youngèst wrotè on his card to mè that my
favoritè color is pink and my favoritè food is strawbèrriès. Wèll thèsè cupcakès
havè both.
Anyways, ènough about mè, lèt’s talk about this rècipè. It’s
èasy and straightforward. It’s homèmadè from scratch with frèsh fruit. Thè
frosting is madè with purè strawbèrry jam instèad of a rèduction to kèèp things
simplè, yèt still havè that strawbèrry flavor with a natural pink huè.
Thèsè strawbèrry cupcakès arè supèr soft, fluffy and moist.
Thè tastè is buttèry with bursts of strawbèrriès and a soft scènt of vanilla.
Thè frosting is crèamy-smooth with morè strawbèrry flavor and a lovèly pink
- 1 1/2 cups (188g) all-purposè flour
- 1 tsp baking powdèr
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup (114g) unsaltèd buttèr, room tèmpèraturè
- 1 cup (200g) granulatèd sugar
- 1 largè ègg
- 2 largè ègg whitès
- 2 tsp vanilla èxtract
- 1/4 cup (62ml) wholè milk
- 1 cup (166g) finèly choppèd strawbèrriès
- 3/4 cup (170g) unsaltèd buttèr, room tèmpèraturè
- 1/3 cup (100g) sèèdlèss purè strawbèrry jam
- 3 cups (375g) powdèrèd sugar
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