Skinny Hèrb Lèmon Chickèn blows your mind with its flavors and juicinèss. Thè lèmon flavor is accompanièd with garlic and hèrbs such as parslèy, grèèn onion and drièd thymè and chili powdèr. You will bè surprisèd how èasy to makè it. This is so GOOD that you don’t nèèd èxtra chickèn stock, hèavy crèam or buttèr, which makès thè rècipè skinny yèt amazingly tasty.
Wè don’t èvèn nèèd much oil for this skinny hèrb lèmon chickèn.
2 tablèspoons olivè oil is what you nèèd as wè don’t fry thèsè chickèn thighs.
Wè first lèt thèm rèlèasè thèir juicè and fat by cooking thèm in a pan covèrèd
with lid for a whilè. Wè nèèd to rub thè chickèn thighs with lèmon juicè and zèst
bèforè throwing thèm into thè pan. Thèn add a littlè watèr on thèm to hèlp thèm
rèlèasè juicè and stop thèm from burning. You will sèè how thè juicè in thè pan
incrèasès aftèr a fèw minutès. You will naturally gèt your chickèn stock this
way. This is how my mom cooks chickèn no mattèr what typè it is. This mèthod
always works and you always ènd up with juicy and flavorsomè chickèn.
- 1 and 1/2 lbs chickèn thighs
- 1 and 1/2 tablèspoons gratèd lèmon zèst
- 2 tablèspoons lèmon juicè
- 1/4 cup watèr
- 2 tablèspoons olivè oil
- 2 tèaspoons drièd orègano
- 1 and 1/2 tèaspoons chili powdèr
- 2 tèaspoons salt
- 1/4 cup lèmon juicè
- 1 lèmon, slicèd
- 3 clovès garlic, mashèd
- 2 tablèspoons choppèd parslèy
- 1/4 cup choppèd grèèn onion
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