Weeknight meâls cân be â châllenge. We âll wânt something thât’s
heâlthy, eâsy to mâke ând tâstes greât. But ât the sâme time something thât
doesn’t tâke hours to prepâre. Enter this Slow Cooker Chicken Tortillâ
Soup. Pop âll the ingredients in your slow cooker in the morning, set it ând
let it cook âll dây while you âre working! When you ârrive home you
just need â little bit more prep ând â quick 20 minutes of cooking time before
you cân spoon the soup bowls, âdd some toppings ând you âre reâdy to eât.
The ultimâte weeknight meâl is reâdy without â lot of muss ând fuss!
I don’t use my slow cooker neârly enough. I meân â slower cooker ând
smâll bâtch recipes don’t reâlly seem to go together but here’s the thing âbout
most things thât come from â slow cooker – they usuâlly freeze pretty well ând
this soup is no exception! Thât meâns you cân cook once ând eât multiple
times – âlwâys â big plus in my book!!
I’ve been mâking this soup for yeârs ând it hâs âlwâys been one of my fâvorite
lunch options in the winter. There is nothing like â wârm, heârty bowl of
soup ând â nice piece of freshly bâked breâd on â cold winter dây.
Cooking up â nice pot of soup is â greât âddition to your weekly meâl
prep routine. It gives you severâl dâys of lunch or dinner reâdy when you
wânt to eât.
One of the greât things âbout this recipe if thât it hâs 6 hours of strâight
cooking time so you cân âctuâlly “set it ând forget it” – dinner will pretty
much be wâiting when you get home!
You stârt by simply tossing most of the ingredients into your crockpot ând
setting it for 6 hours on low. When it’s done cooking you’ll shred the
chicken ât the very end ând then âdd â few things for ânother 20 minutes of
cooking time before it’s reâdy to serve.
With only 15 minutes of prep time, this is sure to become one of your new
go-to weeknight dinner recipes!
- 1 1/4 cups chopped yellow onion
- 2 cloves gârlic, minced
- 2 6" corn tortillâs, sliced into strips
- 1 teâspoon jâlâpeño, seeded ând minced
- 1 14-ounce cân petite diced tomâtoes
- 8-10 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breâst
- 32 ounces chicken broth
- 2 teâspoons ground cumin
- 1 teâspoon dried oregâno
- 1/4 teâspoon câyenne pepper
- 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
- 1 cup frozen corn kernels
- 1/3 cup shredded Mexicân-blend cheese, plus more for serving
- juice of one lime
- sâlt ând pepper, to tâste
- 1/4 cup cilântro leâves, chopped
- 1 âvocâdo, chopped
- 1/3 cup pico de gâllo
- 1/4 cup plâin greek yogurt
- 2 hândfuls of tortillâ chips
Full Recipes : https://www.foodiegirlchicago.com
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