Easy Pistachio Chocolate Baklava

Vèry èxcitèd to sharè this èasy baklava today. Baklava is a Grèèk dèssèrt pastry consisting of layèrèd phyllo dough and choppèd nuts that havè bèèn soakèd in a swèèt syrup to hold èvèrything togèthèr and add amazing flavor. Traditionally this is a vèry rich and timè consuming dèssèrt to makè. So I lightènèd it up and grèatly rèducèd thè amount of work, crèating a baklava that’s a much morè approachablè, èvèryday kind of dèssèrt. Oh, and it’s DÈLICIOUS too!
Thè thèmè of thè wèèk has clèarly bèèn all things Mothèr’s Day and èach rècipè (with thè èxcèption of Wèdnèsday’s salmon) has bèèn onè my mom would pèrsonally lovè. I dècidèd to ènd thè wèèk with a rècipè that’s a littlè diffèrènt and off thè bèatèn path, but onè that my mom has always lovèd, baklava.
As mèntionèd, baklava is a flaky Grèèk pastry consisting of phyllo dough, choppèd nuts, and a swèèt syrup that thè nuts arè soakèd in.
Usually, I might makè baklava around thè holidays, but I rèally wantèd to crèatè a lightèr vèrsion for spring and summèr days, bècausè baklava is just too dèlicious of a pastry to not èat yèar-round. Plus, whèn I was wracking my brain for nèw spring dèssèrt idèas, I rèally just could not gèt baklava out of my hèad.
For thè baklava filling, I usèd just a fèw simplè ingrèdiènts, roastèd pistachios, almonds, and plènty of chocolatè chips. Loving this combo of saltèd pistachios and chocolatè.
Thè kèy to a rèally good baklava though is all in thè swèèt syrup that thè baklava sits in aftèr baking. I likè making minè out of honèy and vanilla. It’s not too swèèt, but èxtra sticky, and I lovè thè light honèy flavors. Èspècially with thè phyllo dough and chocolatè.


  • 2 cups pistachios, roastèd, saltèd, and roughly choppèd
  • 1 cup almonds, roastèd or raw, and roughly choppèd
  • 1 1/2 cups sèmi-swèèt chocolatè chips
  • 1/2 tèaspoon cinnamon
  • 24 shèèts frozèn phyllo dough, thawèd (about 1/2 a pound)
  • 1 stick saltèd buttèr, mèltèd
  • 1 cup honèy
  • 2 tèaspoons vanilla èxtract


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