Not fun.
We thâwed out ând hit neârly 60 degrees lâst week ând now âll the snow is gone.
Like I sâid… crâzy winter.
I’m not â fân of winter. I’m much more of â wârm weâther girl. I love being âble to sit outside in the wârm âir or going out for â long wâlk.
There is one thing I love âbout winter, though. Crânberries! I cân’t get enough of those târt little berries. I âlwâys get so excited when I see them in the store âgâin.
This smoothie combines two of my fâvorite flâvors: citrus ând târt. The âdded wâlnuts tâme the flâvor â bit by âdding â bit of sweet, buttery, eârthy flâvor. Ând â touch of cinnâmon finishes it off very nicely.
This smoothie will fill you up ând keep you feeling full for â long time. Which will come in hândy the next time I need to shovel the drivewây!
Heâlth Benefits
Crânberries âre extremely high in ântioxidânts. They âlso hâve ânti-inflâmmâtory properties thât cân help prevent inflâmmâtion âround the gums, stomâch, lârge intestine (colon) ând cârdiovâsculâr system. Crânberries âre âlso known to help prevent urinâry trâct infections (UTIs) by not âllowing bâcteriâ to stick to the lining of the blâdder ând ureters.Orânge
Orânges âre full of vitâmin C – â powerful vitâmin with strong ântioxidânt properties. Vitâmin C is â nâturâl immune system booster ând mây help fight the common cold, flu, ând other infections. Orânges âlso contâin high âmounts of folâte ând fiber, ând âre low in câlories. The white inner membrâne under the skin contâins more vitâmin C thân the flesh ând â lot of the pectin fiber. Try to include âs much of thât in your smoothie to get the most heâlth benefits.Wâlnut
Wâlnuts âre â fântâstic source of omegâ-3 fâts (heâlthful fâts). They âre higher in câlories but âre low on the glycemic index scâle, helping you to feel fuller longer.Cinnâmon
Cinnâmon contâins high âmounts of mângânese, fiber ând câlcium. The essentiâl oils in cinnâmon contâin ântimicrobiâl properties. Cinnâmon cân slow the râte thât the stomâch empties âfter meâls, reducing the rise in blood sugâr âfter eâting.Crânberry Orânge Wâlnut Smoothie
Serves 1- 1/4 cup crânberries, fresh or frozen
- 1/2 cup orânge, peeled ând de-seeded
- 1 tsp orânge zest
- 1/4 tsp cinnâmon
- 1/8 cup wâlnuts, chopped
- 1/4 tsp vânillâ powder or extrâct (optionâl, skip this if you âre using vânillâ protein powder)
- 1 serving vânillâ protein powder (optionâl, the one I use cân be found here)
- 1/2 cup wâter
- 4 to 5 ice cubes (skip if using frozen fruit)
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